If you didn’t do it yet, check out ROE

If you do not know the program Roots of Empathy yet, make sure to check it out and to follow them online. The program brings parent-baby bounding time into the classroom, where students learn about emotions and gain insights about themselves and the world we live in. From these encounters spring awesome drawings and quotes too. See for yourself on ROE’s YouTube channel. Let’s hope, for all of us, that the original drawings and quotes made over the years will be preserved.

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I felt proud when… A children’s Art Show. Roots of Empathy, YouTube, 31 August 2019.

They draw “Water Hugs”

The city of Port St. Lucie, Florida published a book to raise awareness on water conservation. They got students to illustrate it and they were happy to indulge. Children can and will contribute, if we let them to. Let’s hope that they will think of preserving the original drawings too.

Boys and girls draw “Water Hugs” for new book, 1 August, 2019.

Children, rights and literature

One of our founding member, Liliane Masengo, is not only a respected teacher but also the author of a book on human rights for children: Il était une fois les droits de l’homme. The book is available online, for example from Barnes & Noble.

Liliane belongs to a little known group of teachers who have left their mark on literature about the place of children in society and children’s experiences. Another good example is the hundred-year-old book by Alice Descoeudres: L’enfant, le militaire et la guerre. This book can be viewed online, thanks to the Archives Institut Jean-Jacques Rousseau, at Université de Genève.

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Il était une fois les droits de l’homme, front cover. By Liliane Masengo. Source: Barnes&Noble.com, 21 August 2019.
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